Selasa 10 Jan 2012 18:25 WIB
Indonesian Idol 2012

Ahmad Dhani, the Next Indonesian Idol’s Jury

Rep: c16/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,JAKARTA – The audience of Indonesian Idol 2012 will have a new face who sits as one of its three juries. The Idol has chosen Ahmad Dhani, a well known Indonesian musician, as one the juries.

“We choose him since he is widely known as a hits maker, singer, and good musician as well,” said Trista P Efendi from Marcomm Department of RTCI, Monday. 

Ahmad Dhani will judge the participants’ performance including their vocal and personality. And if they can play musical instruments, then it will be a plus.   

The other jury, Trista added, would be Anang Hermansyah. Yet, to surprise Indonesian audience, she is still tight lipped over the third jury.

Audition will take place in several big cities across Indonesia, starts from Palembang then Manado, Ambon, Padang, Medan, Surabaya, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Jakarta will be the last. The audition can be accessed through Idol’s official website, from 1st to 15th January.


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