Kamis 23 Feb 2012 18:13 WIB

The last victim found in the bridge accident

Rep: Adi Wicaksono/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The Cidua bridge collapses as it fails to sustain the burden while a handful people crossing.
Foto: Antara/Jafkhairi
The Cidua bridge collapses as it fails to sustain the burden while a handful people crossing.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR – Search and Rescue (SAR) team has found the last victim of the bamboo bridge accident in Sidua, Bogor. The body was found in Cisadane headwaters, Tangerang, Banten, on the fifth day of searching effort for the eight victims of the bridge collapsed on Sunday morning.

The Head of Logistics of Bogor Local Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Budi Aksmono, said the last victim was found around 11.30 am local time. The victim was wearing yellow clothes and a bracelet in the right hand. “The body has been decomposed and the clothes tell us that it is a woman body,” Aksmono said on Thursday.

The seventh victim was found in Muara Tanjung Burung, Paku Haji, Tangerang, around 11.00 am local time. The body was hard to be identified. Both of the victims are sent to Tangerang district hospital to be identified. “Alhamdulillah (Praise the Lord –ed) in the fifth day, the searching is done,” he added.

The old bamboo bridge over Cidua River in Ciampea, Bogor, collapsed on Sunday (19/2) around 09.30 am local time. It could not sustain the burden of more than 20 people. The bamboo pillars that sustain the bridge were fractured when the victims crossed it. The bridge cut off in the middle. Many of the bridge-crossers suddenly plunged into the strong stream beneath them. Most of them are children at the age from 5 year to ten year old. The total number of people involved in the accident is 22 people. Eight was missing and found dead. 


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