Rabu 29 Feb 2012 21:03 WIB

A modern way to build public awareness on charity

Rep: Mohammad Akbar/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Social media is a new tool to build public awareness. (illustration)
Foto: digijeff.com
Social media is a new tool to build public awareness. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) as a charity management finds a new tool to build public awareness on the importance of charity. The campaign is now using popular social media such as Facebook and Twitter.  

The power of Twitter is admitted by the chairman of PPPA Daarul Quran, Anwar Sani, whose account has 4,500 followers. “The role of social media is amazing,” he said on Tuesday to Republika.

Sani tweets every day on charity zakat using the account of “Zakat Motivation”. This activity started two or three months ago. “the responses are quite well,” he added. 

Anwar does not know how many of his follower then give their charity. Yet, he counts that the number of charity transaction tends to increase. “Especially those who transfer their money through bank account. The value also hikes since we twit,” he explained. 

About 80 percent of charity is sent using banking transaction. Then only 20 percent of them prefers to pay in cash, Sani says.   

Baznas as another charity management also takes the advantage of Twitter to strengthen its community on charity. Its chairman, Didin Hafidhuddin says, social media is an effective tool to build its relationship with the donor.

“The social media can also become an open forum to report on how we manage the charity. It is a good way to maintain trusteeship and transparency,” he said. 




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