Rabu 16 May 2012 18:59 WIB

Be aware: Director of State-owned enterprises to be replaced!

Rep: Sefti Oktarianisa/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The Ministry of State-owned Enterprises replaces president director of Merparti Nusantara Airlines after the company suffering financial losses.
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
The Ministry of State-owned Enterprises replaces president director of Merparti Nusantara Airlines after the company suffering financial losses.


JAKARTA – The Minister of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) Dahlan Iskan will replace its executive director if he or she fails to manage the company well and causes financial loss. The stakeholder then will inevitably replace the board of directors if a company continuously incurs losses.

“It prevails for all,” Iskan said on Tuesday. The replacement is hoped to accelerate the SOEs performance.

Earlier, Iskan replaced the Executive Director of Merpati Airlines, Sardjono Jhonny, with Rudi Setyopurnomo due to the financial losses suffered by the company. It incurred two billion IDR losses per day. Yet, Iskan refused to mention other directors who would be fired. He said the ministry was enhancing the SOEs performance.

The Ministry last year noted 22 SOEs suffered financial losses in the amount of 3.2 trillion IDR. Among others are PAL Indonesia Company which incurred losses in 1.3 trillion IDR and Iglas with 6.4 billion IDR.

The Chairman of Commission VI in the House of Representatives, Erlangga Hartarto, said the replacement of the director of Merpati was something common. “The audit report last year showed Merpati incurred losses more than 700 billion IDR. It undermined the program of government capital investment,” Hartarto said.





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