Rabu 18 Jul 2012 23:57 WIB

Rohingya conflict starts to interfere ASEAN

Rep: Satya Festiani/Asep Wijaya/Bambang Noroyono / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Muslims hold pictures and banners as they protest in front of Myanmar's embassy in Bangkok in June. A group of Rohingyas living in Thailand and other Muslims gathered outside the embassy demanding security for Myanmar's Rohingya people and called for inter
Foto: Reuters/Damir Sagolj
Muslims hold pictures and banners as they protest in front of Myanmar's embassy in Bangkok in June. A group of Rohingyas living in Thailand and other Muslims gathered outside the embassy demanding security for Myanmar's Rohingya people and called for inter

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian Ministry for Foreign Affairs said the violence towards Rohingya Muslims conducted by the Buddhist could damage the harmony among ASEAN members. Indonesia urges Burmese government to immediately take measures to undertake the violence.

The Director of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Anshor, said the ASEAN members paid attention to Rohingya conflict. Yet, he said Rohingya was the internal problem of Myanmar and so was the settlement process. Yet, he expects Myanmar government can contain and resolve the conflict.

"The settlement process must be taken by Myanmar’s government to prevent the impact to the harmonization of ASEAN," Anshor said on Tuesday. Indonesia hopes Myanmar will take peaceful steps, such as dialog.

Meanwhile, former Deputy Chairman of National Committee of Human Rights, Salahuddin Wahid, appealed to Indonesian government to be actively involved in protecting the Rohingya Muslims. He also regretted that the Myanmar’s government was not open on this subject.

A member of Commission of Religion in the House of Representatives, Abdul Hakim, expects United Nations to investigate the case. UN, he said, must protect the Rohingya and urge the Myanmar’s government to stop the genocide. UN must be fair towards the issue. He also asks the UN to use double standard on Rohingya conflict.



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