Senin 29 Oct 2012 18:51 WIB

UNICEF-EU helps Indonesia to combat child malnutrition

Rep: Satya Festiani/Fenny Melisa / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
UNICEF launches program to fight malnutrition in three cities in Indonesia. The program teaches 3,8 million children and 800,000 pregnant and breast-feeding mothers about the importance of healthy food and nutrition. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
UNICEF launches program to fight malnutrition in three cities in Indonesia. The program teaches 3,8 million children and 800,000 pregnant and breast-feeding mothers about the importance of healthy food and nutrition. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - UNICEF helps Indonesia combating child malnutrition. The step gets support from European Union (EU) as the regional body provides 245 million USD to UNICEF to fight against malnutrition in Asia and Pacific, including Indonesia.

The Head of Operations, Delegation of the EC to Indonesia, Erik Habers, said that it was paramount to make the fight against hunger priority number one. Since 2008, EU has given 650 million euro to combat malnutrition in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

The current program focuses in three provinces in Indonesia, Sikka in NTT, Klaten in Central Java, and Jayawijaya in Papua. The program teaches 3,8 million children and 800,000 pregnant and breast-feeding mothers about the importance of healthy food and nutrition.







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