Ahad 17 Feb 2013 22:56 WIB

Minister: National Environment Quality Index still stagnant

Some workers arrange young trees of palapi (Heritera Javanica) for forest regeneration in Sigi, Central Sulawesi, last week.
Foto: Antara/Basri Marzuki
Some workers arrange young trees of palapi (Heritera Javanica) for forest regeneration in Sigi, Central Sulawesi, last week.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, AMBON - Indonesian Environment Minister Balthasar Kambuaya said the National Environment Quality Index in recent years was still stuck in number 60 and looked quite difficult to increase.

"So far, Indonesia has not been able to reach the number 70 or 80 for the Environmental Quality Index. However, eco-regions such as Sulawesi and Maluku have reached higher index than the national average," Kambuaya said last week.

The minister said the Environment Quality Index was a performance measure for environmental management institutions because the higher the number, the better their performance. "Anybody is entitled to a good quality environment, clean air and fresh water. Clean and healthy environment is a human right," he said.

The minister made the remarks during a coordination meeting of the Maluku-Sulawesi eco-region environment management held in Ambon and attended by environmental management institutions and institutional development planning boards from 101 districts and cities in eight provinces in Sulawesi and Maluku. The meeting is aimed at establishing the environment as a basis for Indonesia environmental policy framework in the development of natural resources and the environment at the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2010-2014.

By taking part in the coordination meeting, participants are expected to know the impact of environmental management areas in Sulawesi and Maluku Eco-region in 2012 includes an overview of the impact of the implementation of minimum service standards on the environment and the impact of the implementation of the deconcentration and the special allocation fund. Based on the evaluation of the Ministry of Environment and National Development Planning, implementation and control of pollution damage to the environment is still far from expectation. 


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