Senin 18 Mar 2013 19:21 WIB

Indocement now focuses on domestic demand

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Some workers unload cement from a cargo ship in Sunda Kelapa Port, Jakarta.
Foto: Antara/Reza Fitriyanto
Some workers unload cement from a cargo ship in Sunda Kelapa Port, Jakarta.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CITEUREUP - Indonesia's major producer of cement, PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk (Indocement), decreases its export for 84.5 percent from 0.6 million tonnes in 2011 to 0.1 million tonnes in 2012 due to high domestic demand.

"Total volume of trade grows 12.3 percent to 18.0 million tonnes," Secretary of Indocement, Sahat Panggabean, said on Monday.

Performance report 2012 shows that the company booked the highest volume of domestic trade in 2012, which was 17.9 million tonnes. The amount increased 16.1 percent from the trade in 2011. 

Indocement's expansion on ready-mix concrete (RMC) also contributes to the increasing of market target, especially in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek). However, Panggabean said the biggest contributor to the increasing domestic demand was the growth of middle class and macro economy in Indonesia.

Indocement currently produces 18.6 million tonnes cement per year. It has three manufactures in Indonesia, which are in Citeureup, Palimanan and Tarjun. Citeureup in West Java produces 11.9 million tonnes, Palimanan in West Java yields 4.1 million tonnes, while Tarjun in South Kalimantan produces 2.6 million tonnes.












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