Rabu 10 Apr 2013 06:09 WIB

Indonesian MPs questioning S Korean shares in Blitzmegaplex

Rep: Satya Festiani/Muhammad Iqbal / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
     People watch movie at a theater. Foreign investor is not allowed to acquired Indonesia cimena. (illustration
Foto: nalakagunawardene.com
People watch movie at a theater. Foreign investor is not allowed to acquired Indonesia cimena. (illustration

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Some Indonesian members of parliament recently were snifting South Korea's largest multiplex cinema, CJ CGV, acquired Indonesian cinema Blitzmegaplex as the majority of the board of directors were Koreans. The Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board, Chatib Basri, said that he would dig information that lead to the the case.

"I will check it," Basri said on Tuesday.

He explained that foreign investors were not allowed to buy Indonesian cinema since the sector was still enlisted in foreign investment negative list and cited in Presidential Regulation No. 36/2010.

A member of Commission X at the House of Representatives, Dedi Gumelar, earlier alleged CJ CGV to purchase Blitzmegaplex. "If it is true, then it's a law violation," he said.)

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