Kamis 07 Nov 2013 16:09 WIB

CTI renews its confidence despite slower economy

Rep: Muhammad Iqbal/Satya Festiani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Indonesia's Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) remained strong (illustration)
Foto: blogspot.com
Indonesia's Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) remained strong (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia's Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) remained strong despite slower economic growth. The decline occurred in third quarter of 2013. This condition is showed from decline of growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) compared to similar quarter last year.

"Economic growth is measured by the increase of GDP in third quarter of 2013, compared to third quarter of 2012 that reached 5.62 percent," Head of Statistics Indonesia (BPS) Suryamin said recently.

The number is lower than growth in second quarter about 5.81 percent and the first quarter of 2013 about 6.03 percent. This slowing growth has been going on since second quarter of 2012, which recorded 6.29 percent and then rose to 6.36 percent in next quarter.

GDP is an indicator of state economy in certain period, calculated based on value products, services, expenditures and income. Large GDP values indicated substantial economic resources. High or low impact on economic growth depends on unemployment rate, personal income, poverty level and productivity of work. 

One percent growth will open 200 to 300 thousand employment opportunities, he said.

On the other hand, Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) nationwide in the third quarter 2013 amounted to 112.02, an increase compared to second quarter 2013, which recorded 108.02. Suryamin said it showed an increase in the level of consumer confidence.

Based on the description of BPS, the improvement of consumer economy was driven by increase of consumption in food and non-food purchase at restaurants or groceries. It's also driven by the increase in public revenues and the decrease of inflation effects on the level of consumption.

Improvement of consumer economic conditions at the national level occurred because there is an increase in the economic condition of consumers in all provinces (33 provinces).

16 provinces of which (48.48 percent of total provinces) had CTI values above the national index. Province with the highest CTI is DKI Jakarta province at 118.09.

In the fourth quarter of 2013, national CTI index estimated at 109.86 or lower than the third quarter 2013. Even so, comparing to the Business Tendency Index (BTI), the figure described a good level of consumer confidence because the figure is above 100.

Improvement occurred in all provinces in Indonesia with 17 provinces of which (51.52 percent of total provinces) are estimated to have a value above the national index. Province with the highest BTI is Bali with 116.05, while the lowest was in Bengkulu at 106.56.

CTI is an indicator of current economic developments calculated by BPS through Consumer Tendency Survey (CTS). While CTI described the condition of the consumer economy, CTS is subsample of respondents from national labor force surveys in urban areas. BPS involved 12.153 respondents on the survey..

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