Ahad 08 Dec 2013 14:03 WIB

ASDP Indonesia Ferry prepares a rise in yearend passenger's number

Rep: Mursalin Yasland/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - State owned seaport operator PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry in Bakauheni, South Lampung prepares a rise in yearend passengers ahead of National Holiday. Company prepares more boats, harbor, dock and also post of data information.

Operation Manager of ASDP-IF Bakauheni Lampung, Heru Purwanto said that preparation of port facilities and infrastructure to face yearend holidays was not same as Lebaran season. Increased passenger numbers in the last year reached 15 percent compared to normal days.

"This yearend holidays also coincide with school holidays," Purwanto said on Sunday.

Company will operate ferry or roll on roll (roro) ship up to 28 units. ASDP-IF also prepares post of data information for passengers, pier, as well as maintenance and ship's safety. Flow of passengers and vehicles in November 2013 was still in decline. The same condition was also experienced by other ports in Indonesia.

The decline reached 20 percent, different from two years ago, which continued to increase. This decline was due to many factors, such as roads condition and traffic jam. Many public transport's entrepreneurs have made warehouses in Sumatra to reduce cost of transportation.

In November 2013, number of trucks that crossed the port was only about 2,000 to 2,500 units, compared to 3,000 units in last year.

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