Senin 07 Apr 2014 20:31 WIB

Garuda to start Kuala Namu-Jeddan Direct flights in May

Foto: Izmar Patrizki/Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- Garuda Indonesia has planned to start its Kuala Namu - Jeddah direct flights on May 1 to support the growth of the North Sumatra Province-based international airport as a hub, the airline's spokesman stated.

"The flights from Kuala Namu International Airport to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, will be served by Boeing 747-400 aircraft three days a week," Vice President of Garuda Indonesia's Domestic Regional I Sumatra Dony Widojoko confirmed here on Monday.

The aircraft will fly from Makassar and stop over at Kuala Namu to take other passengers before heading to Jeddah, he informed newsmen after meeting North Sumatra Governor Gatot Pujonugroho here.

Widojoko asserted that he believed that 454 seats available in every flight will fill up due to the big number of Indonesians traveling to Mecca for minor pilgrimage from the provinces of South Sulawesi and North Sumatra.

"For the time being, the Kuala Namu-Jeddah flights will be available three times a week," he reiterated.

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