Jumat 17 Oct 2014 23:42 WIB

KEN: Deficit should be compesated with economic expansion

Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Pekerja melakukan proses perakitan komponen mesin di Pabrik PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), Jakarta, Jumat (20/6).
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
Pekerja melakukan proses perakitan komponen mesin di Pabrik PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), Jakarta, Jumat (20/6).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The National Economic Committee (KEN) said deficits in the country's state budget and current account balance should be compensated with its economic expansion.

"This has become paradoxical. We have double deficits, and at the same time we are facing economic slowdown," deputy chairman of KEN Raden Pardede said on Friday.

The budget deficit, which is covered with debts, should be used for development of productive sector, to sustain economic growth, according to Raden.

"We know that the budget deficit is caused by subsidy," he said.