Selasa 28 Oct 2014 17:46 WIB

Indonesia's economic growth in 2015 predicted same as in 2014

BNI Syariah (Republika/ Wihdan)
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
BNI Syariah (Republika/ Wihdan)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Director state lender Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Gatot predicted the country's economic growth would be the same as in 2014.

"The growth rate would be around 5 percent to 5.5 percent," Gatot said in a seminar here on Tuesday (28/10).

He said the country's economic growth would be immune to political impact.

He, however, appreciated the peaceful presidential election up to the installation of the new president that gave confidence to investors in the country.

"Politically we deserve to be proud that democratization has run well in the country," he said.

However, with the change in the cabinet structure will have effect on the legislative structure , he said.

"We know that the cabinet structure was changed. There is a new coordinating minister . It also has effect on the legislative body and its working partners and directorate general. If everything is going well they could start work only in six month," he said.

He said the performance of the political elite would have its impact on the economy especially in accelerating economic growth.

He said the state bank is ready to face the free market of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and banking free market in 2020.

"We are preparing not only the bank but also its subsidiaries to compete in the regional market," he added.

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