Selasa 11 Aug 2015 14:40 WIB

IHSG weakens, mutual funds strengthen

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Prayogi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- During 2015, the mutual funds in Indonesia showed a better performance than the the stock market. While the stock market weakened as far as 9.1 percent, the mutual funds grew up to 8.49 percent.

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) noted that the Net Asset Value (NAV) of mutual funds with public offering increased to Rp 263.33 trillion in 6th August 2015. It increased from 8.49 percent from the 2nd January 2015 which amounted Rp 242, 72triiun.

“Although the economic condition was decline, but the mutual funds continue to grow. We need to maintain the mutual fund industry," said Chief Executive of the Capital Market Supervisory OJK, Nurhaida, Monday (10/8).

She revealed that the investor trust in the mutual funds industry is also shown by an increase in the number of outstanding units. In January 2015, there were about 143,15 billion units. That number was then increased by 20.63 percent to 172,69 billion units on 6th August 2015.

"This indicates that more investors are making purchases than sales," Nurhaida continued.

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