Senin 07 Dec 2015 16:50 WIB

Tax target not achieved, state budget 2016 to be revised

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government would revise the state budget (APBN) 2016 to secure the availability of budget in 2016. Chairman of Expert Team of Vice President, Sofjan Wanandi, said the budget revision was done by reducing the needs that are not considered necessary in 2016.

Sofyan said state budget 2016 revision was necessary because the government could not achieve the target of tax revenue in 2015. The state revenue this year was reduced about Rp 300 trillion.

"Rp 300 trillion was from taxes of Rp 200 trillion, dropped price of oil price of Rp 30 trillion, and others Rp 70 trillion," said Sofjan, Friday (4/12).

Furthermore, Sofyan added, if the revised state budget 2016 was not done, the government could not pay salaries of government employees. Therefore, the government must debts to pay the salaries.