Kamis 07 Apr 2016 11:45 WIB

BRK still shows healthy performance amid economic slowdown

Foto: Republika/Prayogi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU -- PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Riau dan Riau Islands (BRK) still recorded a healthy performance in 2015 amid the economic slump.

The bank, which is owned by the provincial administrations of Riau and Riau Islands, reported a net profit Rp416 billion in 2015, though shrinking from Rp690 billion in the previous year.

BRK President Director DR Irvandi Gustari attributed the decline in profit to the country's economic slowdown and disaster of haze of thick smokes.

Thick smokes from bush and forest fires in mainland Sumatra and Kalimantan almost paralyzed economic activities in many areas in the region amid the general economic slump last year.

Falling oil prices have direct impact on the economy of Riau, which is one of the country's largest oil producing provinces.

Irvandi said despite the decline, BRK still performed better than most of other regional development banks in the country.

He pointed to its financial ratios by December 31 in 2015 with capital adequacy ratio (CAR) at 20.78 percent, return on assets (ROA) at 1.69 percent, Return on Equity (ROE) at 16.9 percent , NIM (Net Interest Margin) at 6.08 percent, ratio of operating cost to operating income at 83.86%, gross NPL (Non Performing Loan) ratio at 4.12 percent and net NPL at 0.23 percent.

That was as against performance of the Jakarta Development Bank in the same period with CAR at 24.53 percent, ROA at 0.89 percent, ROE at6.11 percent, NIM at 6.61 percent, ratio of operating cost to operating income at 90.99 percent, gross NPL at 7.69 percent and net NPL at 4.23 percent.

Other major regional development banks include Bank Jawa Barat Banten (BJB), which is owned by the provincial administrations of Wesdt Java and Banten, with CAR at 15.85 percent, ROA at 2.04 percent, ROE at 23.10 percent, NIM at 6.32 percent, ratio of operating cost to operating income at 83.31 percent, gross NPL at 2.91 percent and net NPL at 0.86 percent.

Meanwhile, Bank Sumut which is owned by the North Sumatra provincial administration recorded CAR at 14.41 percent, ROA at 2.31 percent, ROE at 23.90 percent, NIM at 7.26 percent, ratio of operating cost to operating income at 82.16 percent, gross NPL at 5 percent and net NPL at 1.54 percent.

Bank Kaltim, which is owned by the East Kalimantahn provincial administration recorded CAR at 20.12 percent, ROA at 1.56 percent, ROE at 10.35 percent, NIM at 6.03 percent, ratio of operating cost to operating income at 85.30 percent, gross NPL at 10.35 percent and net NPL at 1.64 percent.

The figures showed that BRK performed relatively better than other regional development banks.

sumber : Antara
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