Jumat 17 Jun 2016 01:17 WIB

Ministry of SOE’s budget cuts affect its prioritized programs

Rep: MGROL70/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprise (SOE)  submit budget cuts amounting up to Rp 95.007 billion, or 27.5 per cent according to the president of Instruction No. 4 of 2016. Within initial number of Rp 345 billion in 2016, the budget of the Ministry of SOEs turned to Rp 249, 92 billion.

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro representing SOE Ministry said budget cuts in the state is done by taking into account a number of activities that are not a priority. These activities include the managing budget of official travels (domestic and foreign), budget of meetings outside the office, contract activities, and the remainder of the budget that has been achieved, as well as the renovation of buildings.

Bambang explained, the presence of sizeable cuts by the SOE Ministry is not just cut budgets for Non-Priority program, but the Ministry of SOEs also had to cut budget to support priority programs.

"This pruning is a factor since the funds that is cut is quite large amount by the Ministry of SOE ," said Bambang in the capitol, Thursday (16/6).