Kamis 04 Aug 2016 22:05 WIB

President urges every region to set up inflation control team

Red: Julkifli Marbun
President Jokowi
Foto: Youtube
President Jokowi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo has called on every district and city to set up a team to monitor and help control inflation in the regions.

"Several districts and cities have not yet had a TPID (inflation control team), and so, they have to immediately set up one. It is very important. The police, prosecutor's office, and branches of Bank Indonesia are present there," Widodo noted while opening a national coordination meeting of the TPID here on Thursday.

The president said the high growth will not benefit the economy if the inflation rate is higher as there will be a loss.

"Economic growth is important, but inflation control is also vital. I am glad every year our awareness on the need to control inflation continues to grow," he emphasized.