Senin 30 Jan 2017 22:40 WIB

Agus Yudhoyono sees there are efforts to criminalized Sylviana Murni

Rep: Dadang Kurnia/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Pair of governor and deputy governor running for Jakarta gubernatorial election, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono-Sylviana Murni.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Pair of governor and deputy governor running for Jakarta gubernatorial election, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono-Sylviana Murni.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ahead of Jakarta gubernatorial election, Sylviana Murni strangled with alleged corruption on the construction of Al Fauz mosque case. She was interviewed as witness by Criminal Units of National Police on Monday (January 30). During the construction, she served as the mayor of Central Jakarta on the period of 2010-2011. 

Governor candidate of Jakarta gubernatorial election, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, saw the case as a politics instead of crime. "We can see it from acceleration on the law process against Sylvi, while other candidate's law process seemed to be slowed," he commented.

Deputy governor candidate in Jakarta gubernatorial election, Sylviana Murni, gave statement to the reporters after being interviewed by the Criminal Units of National Police on Monday (January 30). (Republika/Prayogi)

In the other hand, Agus said he did not feel disturbed by the case that struck his running mate. He preferred to focus on efforts to win the election. "Remember, I and Mpok Sylvi are never disturbed with it," Agus reiterated. 

Agus then appealed all parties to retain themself from abuse of power. Even more, the power was used to politized, criminalized, and found faults of others. "Do not be abusive with power," he said at Cipinang, East Jakarta on Monday.

Deputy governor candidate in Jakarta gubernatorial election, Sylviana Murni, smiled while her finger symbolized the serial number of her candidacy after being questioned by Criminal Units of National Police on Friday (January 20). (Republika/Prayogi)

According to Agus, abuse of power would not be the good education for the people. When there were parties tried to use power to find faults of others, it will harm democracy in Indonesia. 

Previously, Deputy Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Herman said there was something fishy in the investigation of Sylvi who is running as deputy candidate in Jakarta gubernatorial election. 

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