Selasa 11 Apr 2017 22:46 WIB

The blasphemy trial is adjourned, GNPF: The intervention is too obvious

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
The defendant of alleged blasphemy case, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), attended the warrant reading session at the Auditorium of Agriculture Ministry, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (April 11). The trial was adjourned since the prosecutors were unable to finish typing the warrant.
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan Hidayat
The defendant of alleged blasphemy case, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), attended the warrant reading session at the Auditorium of Agriculture Ministry, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (April 11). The trial was adjourned since the prosecutors were unable to finish typing the warrant.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,JAKARTA -- GNPF's coordinator of the trial, Nasrulloh Nasution, said he has predicted the adjourned of the warrant reading in blasphemy case trial. "We've seen signs from the Jakarta Police chief and head of Attorney General who wanted the warrant reading to be held after the ending of second round of Jakarta gubernatorial election ballot," he said to on Tuesday.

Nasrulloh regretted government's intervention in Ahok's case through law enforcement officers. He said the government should be neutral. "The intervention was too obvious," he remarked.

Meanwhile, senior advocate M Luthfie Hakim said the government has entertained Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) repeatedly. The latest was seen in the adjourned of blasphemy case trial held on Tuesday (April 11). "Ahok has receieved too much entertainment from the government," he said in a text message to on Tuesday.

Luthfie said the trend could be seen from the investigation process until the trial. Moreover, the President has ignored the Article 83 of Law No. 23 in 2014 on the Regional Government. "After being named as defendant, Ahok should be temporarily dismissed from his position as governor," Luthfie said.

Also read: For security reason, police asks court to postpone plea reading of Ahok's case

Furthermore, Luthfie noticed the delay on the reading of the warrant was inline with the requests of Jakarta Metro Police chief and head of Attorney General. The trial was adjourned until next Thursday (April 20) since the prosecutors were unable to finish typing the warrant. 

Luthfie saw correlation between the adjourned of the trial with the head of Attorney General's background. "The Attorney General is a cadre of National Democratic, one of the party that support Ahok in Jakarta gubernatorial election," he said.


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