Rabu 13 Jun 2012 20:37 WIB

VP: Beware of Narcoterrorism

Rep: A Syalaby Ichsan/Erdy Nasrul/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Vice President Boediono (left) attend the opening of International Drug Enforcement Conference (IDEC) in Bali, June 12-13. The two day conference that co-host by Indonesia and the US, is attended by around 300 participants from 73 countries.
Foto: Antara/Nyoman Budhiana
Vice President Boediono (left) attend the opening of International Drug Enforcement Conference (IDEC) in Bali, June 12-13. The two day conference that co-host by Indonesia and the US, is attended by around 300 participants from 73 countries.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NUSA DUA - Drugs syndicate today was not only selling drugs for economy, but also related to terrorist group, the Vice President of Indonesia, Boediono, said.

"We have to be aware of the cooperation development between cartel and terrorist," Boediono said on Tuesday in International Drug Enforcement Conference (IDEC) in Bali.

Narcotics trafficking, he said, considered as organized transnational crime as operationally it involved many people with broad networking who worked well organized and confidentially. Boediono invites every country to cooperate in eradicating drugs trafficking. "No country can solve this problem alone," he said firmly.

Indonesian government, he continued, had imposed national strategy and policy to eradicate narcotics from 2011-2015. They also provide social and medical rehabilitation for 4.2 million Indonesian who became the victims of drugs.

The Head of National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Gories Mere, added that narcoterrorism, relationship between drugs and narcotics, had already existed in Indonesia. Special Detachment 88 successfully arrested terrorist group in 2011, which tried to smuggle some weapons to Indonesia. From further investigation, it reveals that the weapons were bought from the profit of crystal meth trade.

Gories claimed that the group was related to the terrorist bombing Marriott Hotel, Jakarta, in 2003. After being released from the prison, some of the members were involved in robbery and weapon smuggling from Malaysia-Aceh-Medan.

The Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Michelle Leonhart, said 40 percent of the data gathered by DEA showed that terrorism activity could not be separated from money support from drugs trafficking. Criminologist from Universitas Indonesia, Adrianus Meliala, said narcotics business sat on the first place as the biggest moneymaker than other crime business. 

"Mutualism opportunity exists because terrorist can get much money from drugs," he said. The opportunity happens in Indonesia and Asia regions. But the performers only smuggle the basic ingredients such as methamphetamin to the Indonesian dealers. Then the ingredients are processed in Indonesia.


sumber : Antara
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