Rabu 30 Oct 2013 21:30 WIB

RI needs to adopt transitional justice model: MP

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Orde Baru (ilustrasi)
Foto: kompasiana
Orde Baru (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- Indonesia needs to adopt a transitional justice model so past human rights violations do not go without a trial, said the Chief of the ASEAN Parliament for Human Rights (APHR), Eva Kusuma Sundari.

"All human rights violations in the past have gone untried," she stated in a short message text on Wednesday.

Earlier, Eva told a seminar on cross-country inter-party collaboration organized by the Indonesian Community for Democratization (KID) in Jakarta on Tuesday that the Indonesian democracy is yet to serve as a model for transitional justice and welfare.

If justice and welfare are indicators of substantial democracy, Indonesia clearly cannot serve as a model for Myanmar, she noted.