Selasa 05 Nov 2013 15:52 WIB

Selection of civil servant candidates 2014 prone to be interfered

Rep: Ahmad Islamy Jamil/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Siti Zuhro
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
Siti Zuhro

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Selection of civil servant candidates (CPNS) in 2014 was held more tightly through computerized test. Even so, this process has not been free from some interests. Government must increase transparency during examination process.

Expert from Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), Siti Zuhro said that computerized system was not necessarily free from intervention.

"To get good civil servants also need some conditions. For example, the system is not easily interrupted by inappropriate interests," Zuhro said recently.

The transparency of test organizers is very important. Civil society and community must also guard the test process. This is important because the main goal is to select the best civil servants to sit in governmental bureaucracy.

Computerized test is a progress in Indonesia. However, there are still gaps frauds. For example, registration process of selection of participants is still prone to fraud committed by irresponsible person. Moreover, the registration stage is left to respective agencies.

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