Ahad 04 May 2014 00:10 WIB

PKB confirms coalition with PDIP

Rep: M Akbar Wijaya/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Marwan Jafar of PKB (right)
Foto: Republika/Tahta Aidilla
Marwan Jafar of PKB (right)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA - The National Awakening Party (PKB) confirms coalition with Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). Chairman of Executive Board of PKB, Marwan Jafar said that the declaration would be held after the calculation of legislative election by General Election Commission (KPU).

"All of PKB's internal members agreed to build coalition with PDIP," Jafar said on Saturday.

Jafar attended visits made by Joko Widodo, PDIP's presidential candidate, to a number of Islamic figures and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) members in Yogyakarta. He said that majority of NU figures supported Jokowi as a presidential candidate.

Jokowi plans to spend this weekend by meeting some Muhammadiyah figures, including Syafii Maarif, former chairman of Muhammadiyah. Muhammadiyah is one of the two biggest Muslim organizations in Indonesia.

Jokowi then will visit Taman Siswa museum the give political statement to reporters. After that, the former Solo regent will head to Surabaya in East Java, having lunch with NU figures including Khofifah Indarparawansah. He ten visit some Islamic boarding schools in Jombang. 

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