Kamis 08 May 2014 20:18 WIB

PDIP and PKB finalize the coalition agreement

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Chairman of PKB Muhaimin Iskandar (file photo)
Foto: Antara/Syaiful
Chairman of PKB Muhaimin Iskandar (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Secretary General of Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Tjahjo Kumolo said that political communication between the party and National Awakening Party (PKB) had reached final stages and would be completed within one or two days.

"PDIP Secretary General and Chairman of Winning Election (Bappilu), Puan Maharani, will meet PKB's representatives to finalize the coalition talk. We will find the right time to announce it within one or two days," Kumolo said recently.

According to Kumolo, PKB has the key role. While chairman of PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar confirmed that the coalition plan would be finalized.

"We discuss about governance substances, development, and concept. We expect the final decision soon," Iskandar said.

Iskandar said that PKB no longer focusing on power sharing or ministerial posts, but rather on the governance and strong cooperation. 

sumber : Antara
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