Jumat 08 Aug 2014 01:00 WIB

Matt 'Arkarna' travels to Jakarta to meet Jokowi

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Indonesia's president-elect Jokow Widodo (left) poses with Matt Hart  fro m Arkana, on Wednesday.
Foto: Antara/Widodo S. Jusuf
Indonesia's president-elect Jokow Widodo (left) poses with Matt Hart fro m Arkana, on Wednesday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Governor of Jakarta, Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo met with Arkarna's guitarist, Matt Hart. The British musician traveled to Jakarta to meet the elected president to discuss several issues related to music industry, both in Indonesia and abroad.

"I have talked with Matt. There are three things that must be resolved in music industry, namely piracy, infrastructure and regulatory incentives," Jokowi said after a meeting at City Hall, Central Jakarta recently.

Hart explained, if Indonesia had firm regulation on piracy problem, then many artisis and musicians in the country could continue to work.

"I think if the law was properly enforced, all artists and musicians did not have to worry about the piracy. The royalty will be in line with their album sales" Jokowi added.

In infrastructure sector, Indonesia needs to build venues for musicians, such as hall of music with best lighting, sound effects and trained workforce. Government must also accommodate regulatory incentives for creative industries like other countries.

Hart said that he traveled to Jakarta to meet directly with former Solo mayor for his winning in 2014 presidential election.


"I admire Jokowi who never hesitate to talk about himself. Jokowi supports music and it touches my heart. I am sure that Jokowi will bring changes and improvements to Indonesia," Hart said.

In his visit, Hart was accompanied by Slank's guitarist, Abdee Negara and pretty presenter, Olga Lidya.

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