Selasa 30 Sep 2014 16:34 WIB

Red and White Coalition to win all local elections in West Java

Rep: Bayu Hermawan/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Red and White Coalition
Red and White Coalition

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Red and White Coalition in West Java held a joint declaration in supporting all local elections through Regional House of Representatives.

The declaration was attended by Golkar's Chairman of Regional Council (Irianto MS Syafiudin), Gerindra's Chairman of Regional Council (Feri Juantono), PAN's Secretary (Sukmana), PKS' Deputy Chairman (Abdul Hadi), PBB's Deputy Chairman (Arif Budiman), as well as PPP and Democratic Party representatives.

"The main goal is to win all local elections through regional parliament in West Java," Syafiudin said on Monday.

According to him, Golkar Party has followed the instruction, which was also the instruction of Golkar Party Chairman, Aburizal Bakrie to build the coalition. Red and White Coalition is optimistic to win all local elections in West Java, especially with Democratic Party's involvement. About 65 percent of parliament seats in West Java is controlled by Red and White Coalition members.

"In districts and cities, we dominate 65-70 percent of seats. Red and White Coalition has big chance to win the local election in entire region of West Java.

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