Selasa 20 Jan 2015 17:00 WIB

Komnas HAM condemn execution of drug convicts

Komnas HAM
Foto: [ist]
Komnas HAM

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian human rights group (Komnas HAM) and several other non-governmental organizations condemn the execution of six drug convicts, which took place early on Sunday.

"Everyone here condemns the government's decision to execute the six drug convicts," Chief of Komnas HAM Hafid Abbas said here on Monday.

Other NGOs that deplore the execution include Migrant Care, the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), Setara Institute, LBH Masyarakat, Imparsial, and Human Rights Watch.

The NGOs view the execution as an incorrect approach to eradicating the distribution of narcotics in the country.

"Eradication of narcotic drugs and execution are two different things. If we wish to do away with narcotic drugs, we must expose the mafia behind them, not execute convicts," Executive Director of Imparsial Poenky Indarti emphasized.

In addition, Commissioner of Komnas HAM Natalius Pigai pointed out that the execution would not act as a deterrent.

Six drug convicts, including five foreigners, were executed early on Sunday (January 18) morning after their demand for clemency was rejected by President Joko Widodo.

Dutch citizen Ang Kim Soei (62), Malawian Namaona Denis (48), Brazilian national Marco Archer Cardoso Mareira (53), Nigerian Daniel Enemua (38), and Indonesian citizen Andriani alias Melisa Aprilia (38) were executed at the Limusbuntu Shooting Range on the island of Nusakambangan off Central Java. Vietnamese national Tran Thi Bich Hanh (37) was executed in a police mobile brigade compound in Boyolali, Central Java.

The Dutch and Brazilian governments recalled their ambassadors following the execution of their citizens.

Furthermore, the National Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNN) expressed their support of the government's decision to execute the convicts.

"We hope their execution will deter those who have not yet been caught as well as those who control or distribute narcotic drugs," spokesman for the BNN, Dwiyanto, remarked here on Friday.

Following the execution of six drug convicts on January 18, 66 narcotics convicts on a death row are now awaiting their turn to be executed, he added.

Moreover, Attorney General H. M. Prasetyo confirmed on Monday that there are foreign nationals among the second batch of death convicts to be executed later.

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