Ahad 26 Apr 2015 16:53 WIB

Rodrigo lawyers: We firmly reject the execution

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CILACAP -- Lawyers of Rodrigo Gularte, a death row convict who has received notification, rejected the planned execution of their client because the convict is mentally ill.

"We firmly reject the execution. The execution cannot be carried out on a person who is mentally ill. It is obvious that Rodrigo is mentally ill. All inmates know that," Christina Windiarti, one of the lawyers in Rodrigo's defense team, said here on Saturday night.

She said there were nine convicts on death row who had received execution notifications, one of them was Rodrigo.

Therefore, she said, her team will continue to make legal efforts to seek for the cancellation of Rodrigo's planned execution.