Senin 27 Apr 2015 11:51 WIB

Mass for Mary Jane facing execution


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAGELANG -- Catholics in Magelang, Central Java, held mass for Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, a death row convict from the Philippines facing imminent execution.

"Let us say prayer Saint Mary three times for Mary Jane," Father Supriyanto of the parish of Saint Mary Fatima in Magelang said in a morning mass at the church on Monday.

A number of nuns and members of the Catholic church said the prayer after the priest deliver a short sermon.

The ill fate befalling Mary Jane, brought back an ancient expression "Homo Homini Lupus", that men are wolves for the mankind, the priest said.

Mary Jane was nabbed by customs authorities upon arrival from Kuala Lumpur at the Yogjakarta's Adisucipto international airport in 2010 with 2.6 kilograms of heroine in her luggage.

Mary told the authorities that the heroine was not hers, but someone had put it in her luggage.

The Sleman district court of Yogyakarts gave her a death sentence.

The Supreme Court rejected her attempt for a review of her case after her appeal for clemency rejected earlier by President Joko Widodo.

She is now on the notorious Nusakambangan island facing execution expected on Tuesday, together with nine other convicts on the death row.

The other nine are Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran of Australia, Raheem Agbaje Salami, Okwudili Oyatanze and Silvester Obiekwe Nwaolise alias Mustofa of Nigeria, Zainal Abidin, an Indonesian, Serge Areski Atlaoui of France , Rodrigo Gularte of Brazil, Martin Anderson alias Belo of Ghana.

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