Rabu 13 May 2015 19:06 WIB

TNI and BNN team up to combat narcotic drugs

Foto: Yasin Habibi/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia's National Anti-Narcotic Agency (BNN) and the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the prevention and eradication of narcotic drugs and the rehabilitation of addicts.

The MoU was signed directly by BNN Chief Police Commissioner General Anang Iskandar and TNI Commander General Moeldoko at the TNI Headquarters here on Wednesday.

General Moeldoko stated that the TNI, as a state defense agency, is always ready to protect the state from the threat of narcotics.

With the inking of the cooperation agreement, it is hoped that the TNI and BNN can jointly implement measures to eradicate narcotic drugs to safeguard the younger generation from the menace.

"In principle, we, the soldiers, are ready to enforce the cooperation agreement outlined in the MoU. Our soldiers are ready to contribute with ideas, personnel, means, and facilities needed for the effort. We are currently in a state of drug emergency," he noted.

Commissioner General Iskandar admitted that the BNN had faced difficulties while singlehandedly fighting the menace, and therefore, it needed the participation of other agencies, including the TNI.

"We have so far been cooperating with several ministries to prevent and eradicate narcotic drugs," he added.

Currently, there are around four million people involved in narcotic cases in the country, and they also need rehabilitation.

"Around four million people are involved in narcotic cases, and this is what has made the narcotic business in Indonesia rife. This must be reduced to zero percent," he pointed out.

He emphasized that narcotic users must be punished severely, and the imposition of death sentence on them must be done consistently to serve as a deterrent.

"This campaign must be intensified. Drug traffickers must be given a harsh sentence. Their financial assets must be frozen, so that they no longer have the ability to control the distribution of narcotic drugs while they are behind bars," Anang affirmed.

The MoU signed by the two agencies encompasses supervision, empowerment of communities against narcotic use, and distribution.

The two agencies also agreed to the dissemination of information and advocacy related to narcotic abuse and the rehabilitation of users and to carry out narcotic tests on the approval of the concerned parties.

He said the BNN will involve the TNI to trace the illicit distribution of narcotic drugs, including providing personnel specially assigned for the purpose.

The two agencies also agreed to exchange information needed to take stringent action.

The Indonesian government, under President Joko Widodo, has taken a hard stance to eradicate narcotic drugs citing that the nation is facing a drug emergency.

Indonesia recently executed eight drug convicts on death row on the island of Nusakambangang, off southern Central Java.

The eight drug convicts were Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran from Australia; Raheem Agbaje Salami, Silvester Obiekwe Nwaolise alias Mustofa, and Okwudili Oyatanze from Nigeria; Zainal Abidin from Indonesia; Rodrigo Gularte from Brazil; and Martin Anderson alias Belo from Ghana.

The execution of another drug convict on death row, Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso from the Philippines, was postponed because she is still needed as a witness in a human trafficking case in her country.

Moreover, French citizen Serge Areski Atlaoui evaded the second round of executions as a judicial review of his case is still ongoing at the State Administrative Court (PTUN).

If the PTUN rejects his appeal, he will be executed as planned, Spokesman for the Attorney General's Office Spontana affirmed.

On January 18, Indonesia executed six drug convicts on death row, including five foreigners.

The six drug convicts were Malawi national Namaona Denis (48), Brazilian Marco Archer Cardoso Moreira (52), Nigerian Daniel Enemuo (38), Dutchman Ang Kiem Soei (62), Vietnamese woman Tran Thi Bich Hanh (37), and Indonesian citizen Rani Andriani alias Melisa Aprilia.

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