Kamis 18 Jun 2015 21:15 WIB

Three ministers coordinating to reduce dwelling time

Rachmat Gobel  (Republika/Agung Supriyanto)
Rachmat Gobel (Republika/Agung Supriyanto)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Three ministers met here on Thursday to coordinate in a bid to reduce the dwelling time at ports, which now still stands at around 5.5 days.

Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel, Transportation Minister Ignasius Jonan, and Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Indroyono Soesilo met to find ways to fulfill President Joko Widodo's wish to reduce the loading and unloading time to less than 4.7 days.

"As a follow up to President Joko Widodo's recent visit to (Jakarta's Tanjung Priok port) yesterday, we have prepared two measures and inspected the Customs and Excise Directorate General and Pelindo (port operator) this morning," Soesilo stated.

He explained that the two measures to be taken were strengthening the online service system and improving the licensing system in the trade and transportation sectors.

He said the online system will be improved to monitor the loading and unloading time through www.dwelling.indonesiaport.co.id, which is accessible to the public.

Regarding trade and transportation, he affirmed that the government has appealed to importers to complete their licensing procedures before shipping their goods to Indonesia.

"Many importers still complete licensing procedures after the goods arrive, and this has extended the dwelling time," Rachmat remarked.

Meanwhile, Minister Jonan noted that he will urge the port operators to use the container site for transit purpose only.

"We must regulate the tariff in a way that the people would not dump containers for lengthy periods of time," he emphasized.

President Joko Widodo has threatened to sack officials failing to reduce the loading and unloading time at the ports.

"We must be frank. When I do not get answers for something I ask, I find them myself. It may be difficult but not impossible to dismiss the director general, or officials in the field, or even the minister," he stated while visiting Jakarta's Tanjung Priok Port here on Wednesday.

Jokowi, as the president is also known, emphasized that he was keen to increase the speed and efficiency of port services.

The president was disappointed on hearing that the dwelling time at the port still stands at three days, 20 days, or even 25 days.

"We, the government institutions, including ministries and state institutions, only wish that what we offer could be close to those in other countries. It is not necessary to equal them," he remarked.

The situation has protracted long enough, and this inefficiency has resulted in losses amounting to some Rp780 trillion, Jokowi pointed out.


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