Senin 22 Jun 2015 22:24 WIB

Komnas PA asks the police to investigate online account child trafficker

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Google

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The social media Instagram users were stunned by the appearance of an account with the name 'JUALBAYIMURAH'. The account on behalf of an infant orphanage named Paratasih is located at Jalan Jatinegara West 122, East Jakarta.

On one of the posts that account, it shown six photographs of cute babies without explanation names. However, there was an accompanying article that was inserted under the photo of the tiny babies.

"The baby was abandoned by his parents because his mother was raped by a man. But he did not want to be responsible; the mother left him on our orphanage. For those of you who want to have children but you are infertile? PLEASE CONTACT US. We serve faithfully :) TRUSTED. Delivery Babies Cannot through JNE / TIKI but takes directly at the orphanage. Thanks," wrote the account 'JUALBAYIMURAH'.

Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA), Arist Merdeka Sirait stated, the problem was the same as two years ago when an online shop selling baby advertisements. However, it immediately with a standby clarified by the manager of the online trading site.

"It was also equally happened about 2 years ago, if I’m not wrong in I guess it is the mafia of human trafficking practice," said Arist when contacted by ROL on Monday, June 22.

Not only that, Arist urged the police to investigate this case to find the creator of the account and the people behind the screen. "There have been many victims of this sort of thing. So it should be possible to do the investigation, because online media can move quickly and flexibly to chance to sell trade circulation of these babies," he continued.

Both of the above examples was the case of law violation, because it involved human trafficking, and could be used as evidence for prosecution of cyber crime unit. As a result, Komnas PA focus on encouraging the police to keep track of this case to rise to the surface and soon to be resolved.

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