REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Attorney General, HM Prasetyo responded to Dahlan Iskan's intention to reimburse the state losses in cases of alleged corruption in the procurement of electric cars in 2013. According to Prasetyo, it will not be reckless to take steps to fulfill the intention of the former State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister.
"The legal process is already running, but it will be a consideration, we still trying to understand better," he said, in the Attorney General's Office (AGO), on Tuesday, June 23.
Prasetyo said that Dahlan himself until now has not set as a suspect in the case of electric cars. Therefore, AGO still will explore the role of Dahlan himself.
Previously, on Wednesday, June 17, Dahlan were undergoing examination as a witness. According to Dahlan's lawyer, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, the costs used for the procurement of 16 electric cars came from the promotion funds of three companies.
Thus, Yusril said, there were no state losses incurred. Yusril also considered, the case was also included in civil rather than criminal.
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