Rabu 08 Jul 2015 17:13 WIB

Trade Ministry to launch market operations in 34 provinces

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Prayogi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Trade Ministry has until July 4 conducted market operations in 32 provinces to stabilize prices in the current fasting month, with North Kalimantan and Papua as the next provinces for launching the operations.

"Until now, the Ministry of Trade, in cooperation with the regional governments, has launched market operations in 120 locations in 32 provinces. The ministry is targeting to cover 216 locations in 34 provinces," Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel stated on Monday.

He noted that until July 4, 2015, apart from the provinces of Papua and North Kalimantan, market operations have been conducted in 32 provinces.

"Bazaars and market operations alleviate the burden of the people, particularly individuals from the low-income group. The trade ministry will continue to monitor the availability of basic necessities and to maintain the prices at a stable level," Gobel remarked on Monday.

The trade ministry is also cooperating with Bulog to launch the bazaars and market operations in nine provinces including Jakarta, West Java, Jambi, West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), and Maluku.

During the bazaars and market operations, 636 tons of rice was sold, 914 tons of sugar, six tons of onions, 33.7 tons of chili, and 73 kilograms of meat and catered to some 150 thousand consumers.

In a bid to support the Ministry of Trade, Bulog also conducted market operations on July 3, 2015, in 20 locations in Jakarta: two locations in South Jakarta, two in Central Jakarta, nine in East Jakarta, four in West Jakarta, and three locations in North Jakarta.

A bazaar is also being conducted at the office of the Cooperatives and Small Medium Enterprises Ministry in Jakarta.

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