Rabu 12 Aug 2015 19:46 WIB

Over 53 thousands of malware exist in Indonesia

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: alarabiya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA –- The attack of malicious software (malware) was increasingly worrisome. According to Kaspersky, an antivirus company, until June 2015, 379,972,834 active malware were detected around the world. Unfortunately, 53,502 malware were found in Indonesia.

Android device is one of the biggest targets of malware. Why? It was because many people do M-Banking transactions, online business, and other transactions by using android devices.

"From the various existing mobile phone, malware prefer to attack Android than iOS and Blackberry" said Territory Channel Manager Kapersky of Indonesia Dony Koesmandarin.

The tendency of malware attacks were aimed at stealing data and material benefits. Malware often comes from a variety of websites that are not known. It can suddenly attack and steal our data. Malware can also attack personal computer (PC), through USB data cable that often use.

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