Senin 31 Aug 2015 22:02 WIB

Jatigede reservoir can save 66 thousand hectares of rice fields

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
illustration  (foto : Septianjar Muharam)
illustration (foto : Septianjar Muharam)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, INDRAMAYU -- Most farmers in Indramayu welcomed the inundation of Jatigede reservoir. It was because the existence of the reservoirs can save their rice fields from drought in the dry season.

“Jatigede is the only hope for irrigation in the dry season for farmers in East Indramayu,” said Vice Chairman of the Contact Farmers and Fishermen (KTNA) Indramayu, Sutatang, to Republika, Monday (31/8).

Sutatang explained, during this time, a source of irrigation for the agricultural area in Indramayu sourced from Jatiluhur reservoir for the western region and Rentang reservoir for the eastern region. However, the supply of water from the Bentang reservoir was very limited in dry season.

The conditions caused drought of agricultural areas in the eastern Indramayu. There are about 66 thousand hectares agricultural land in eastern Indramayu.

“With Jatigede, 66 thousand hectares of agricultural lands could have survived the drought in the growing season of Gadu,” he added.

This years, the failed harvest of rice fields reached 20 thousand hectares. So after Jatigede is operating, the condition is expected not to occur in the next year.

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