Selasa 27 Oct 2015 12:07 WIB

Thousands of foreigners in NTB violate residence permit

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Staf Imigrasi dan Perbatasan Australia akan mogok kerja dua kali sehari selama masing-masing dua jam, pada jam puncak operasional bandara.
Foto: aap
Staf Imigrasi dan Perbatasan Australia akan mogok kerja dua kali sehari selama masing-masing dua jam, pada jam puncak operasional bandara.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MATARAM -- Immigration Office of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) predicted that until the end of 2015, number of violations of residence permits for foreigners reached thousand cases. Last month, the officials found 21 cases of foreigners who violated residence permit.

"Last month, 21 cases of foreigners were successfully completed. In one year, it was predicted to reach thousand cases," said Head of Immigration Control and Enforcement of Mataram, Agung Wibowo, in Mataram, Sunday (25/10).

According to him, violations committed by the foreigners were abusing travel permit by doing a job, to evade taxes.

"We do not want to complicate it but to let them know that we have regulations," he added.

Not only that, he said, every day, Immigration office received 15 to 20 reports of complaints from public about foreigners who were in trouble. Meanwhile, number of immigration officials were limited with relatively large working area.

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