Sabtu 07 Nov 2015 19:17 WIB

Ambon immigration office repatriates 73 Mynamar citizens

Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, AMBON -- The Immigration Office of Maluku's provincial city of Ambon repatriated 73 Myanmar citizens through Jakarta on Friday night (Nov 6), an official said.

"All 73 Myanmar citizens left the Pattimura airport for Soekarno - Hatta airport in Jakarta at 10.00 p.m. local time," Head of Ambon class-I Immigration Office, Nanang Koesdarjanto, said here on Friday.

The repatriation was undertaken in cooperation with the company where they worked, the Myanmar embassy in Jakarta and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), he stated.

Koesdarjanto, however, did not reveal the name of the company where the Myanmar citizens worked.

According to him, the 73 citizens were part of the 174 Myanmar citizens who were staying on a ship as well as in rented houses owned by Ambon residents.

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