Rabu 16 Dec 2015 21:51 WIB

AGO questions DPR Secretary General

Foto: foto : MgROL34

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Attorney General's Office has questioned the House of Representatives (DPR) Secretary General Winantuningtyastiti Swasanani on Wednesday over a recorded conversation between House Speaker Setya Novanto, businessman Riza Chalid, and Freeport President Director Maroef Sjamsuddin.

"During the investigation, we sought a clarification from (the DPR secretary general) on the tasks and authority of the DPR chairman," Fadil Zumhana, the investigation director at the office of the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes, stated.

He revealed that the Attorney General's Office had, so far, questioned 11 witnesses and received three cellular phone calls related to the recorded conversation.

Zumhana said his side will continue to investigate the evidence thoroughly.

The Attorney General's Office had also sent a team of investigators to the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to seek expert assistance to investigate the recorded conversation.

He remarked that the Attorney General's Office is also planning to serve summons to Chalid and Novanto who are believed to be part of the recorded conversation.

The audio recording case came to light after Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman Said reported Novanto to the DPR's ethics council with a transcript, accusing him of seeking a stake in PT Freeport Indonesia in return for support for its bid to secure approval for a contract extension.

The US company, which has large copper and gold mines in the easternmost Indonesian province of Papua, is seeking an extension of its contract, which will expire in 2021.

According to the transcript of the conversation between Novanto, Chalid, and Sjamsuddin, the house speaker used the names of the president and vice president to convince Freeport that the contract would be extended.

The council has already summoned Said and Sjamsuddin for questioning in an open session, broadcast live by television stations.

On Monday (Dec. 6), Novanto denied all charges leveled against him before the council in a closed-door session.

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