Kamis 17 Dec 2015 18:09 WIB

21 countries enliven 'International Day 2015' in Padjajaran University

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: yeppopo.wordpress.com

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JATINANGOR -- Cooperation Directorate of Padjadjaran University held an event of 'International Day 2015', on Thursday (17/12) at Bale Sawala, Padjajaran University Jatinangor. 'International Day 2015' was attended by student representatives from 21 countries, which would perform a variety of art performances and traditional cuisine of each country.

This activity aimed to improve achievement of Padjadjaran University in international level. This event was associated with the target of Padjajaran University as a 'World Class University'.

Moreover, this activity was a form of soft diplomacy. Through this activity, foreign students in Padjajaran University would have a positive impression in related to academic, hospitality, and international activities in this university.

'International day 2015' also aimed to share good experience to many students from other countries. It was also to promote the University, so that more foreign students from various countries are willing to study at Padjadjaran University.

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