Rabu 23 Dec 2015 16:54 WIB

Police chief calls to optimize intelligence operations

Red: Julkifli Marbun
National Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
National Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti has called on his personnel to optimize intelligence operations and early detection to monitor the dynamics in the community in the run-up to the Christmas and New Year celebrations.

"Optimize intelligence operations and intensify security and order to monitor what is happening in the community, so that any problem can be anticipated," he stated at a roll call of "Lilin Operations 2015" forces at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police field here on Wednesday.

He remarked that during the operation, the police personnel will be stationed at locations prone to crimes, traffic jams, and incidents, so that they could quickly handle any unfavorable situation.

He has also called to station more personnel for joint security operations at locations, such as houses of worship, shopping centers, tourist spots, airports, railway stations, bus terminals, seaports, and main streets where people would congregate during New Year's Eve.

In his speech, General Badrodin also urged the chiefs of local units to be on field to issue directives to their personnel in dealing with any problem.

"Good cooperation with the TNI (military) and other related agencies must be built, so that the Lilin Operations would run smoothly," he emphasized.

A total of 80,197 police personnel have been readied across Indonesia to carry out the operations from December 24, 2015, to January 2, 2016.

As part of the operations, the police will be assisted by 20,681 TNI personnel and 49,670 personnel from other agencies, such as the city administration police, transportation services, fire brigades, and security personnel from the civil community.

"All personnel will be stationed at 1,557 security posts and 638 service posts across Indonesia," he revealed.

Badrodin said 998 CCTVs will also be installed to help monitor the situation in areas considered vulnerable to security problems.

The roll call was attended by Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo, TNI Commander General Gatot Nurmantyo, Jakarta Metropolitan Police Chief Inspector General Tito Karnavian, and high-ranking officials from the National Police Headquarters.

General Haiti had earlier said the police arrested nine terror suspects from various locations, including Cilacap and Sukoharjon in Central Java, Tasikmalaya in West Java, and Mojokerto and Gresik in East Java.

The suspects have been identified by the initials: R, YS, AR, ZA, MKH, TP, IM, JA, and AK.

"Some of them are ex-members of Jamaah Islamiyah, and some others have links with ISIS," he stated.

He said the police had a week to initiate legal proceedings against the suspects who were arrested on December 19-20 before deciding whether they would be released or detained.

He said the police made the arrests after receiving a tip-off regarding their plan to conduct terror acts.

"Information was also provided by the Australian Federal Police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Singapore Intelligence Service. During the raids, we discovered explosive materials that were ready to be assembled. The terrorists were not specifically targeting Christmas or New Year's events," he explained.

Badrodin said the terror suspects were targeting police officers, Densus 88 members, and former members.

"They were also targeting police stations and certain groups, such as the Shiite group," he noted.

Badrodin said that at the end of last month, he had received information on possible terror acts.

He remarked that the police continued to coordinate with other security agencies and to protect any possible targets, including state officials.

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