Kamis 07 Apr 2016 15:54 WIB

Etihad reject disability activist to fly

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: EPA

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Etihad Air rejected disability activist Dwi Ariyani to fly to Geneva on Monday. This rejection caused Dwi cancellation for fulfilled invitation from International Disability Alliance to attending Convention on the Right of Person with Disabilities in United Nation (UN), Geneva.

At first, Dwi arrived at Soekarno Hatta International Airport 20.00 WIB on Saturday from Solo. Dwi husband, Yonnasfi Jambak said at the time his wif will continued fly to Abu Dhabi and Geneva by Etihad Airlines.

At 22.00 WIB, dwi check in and said to an airport officer that she need a wheelchair to get on a plane. The officer agree to help and Dwi get her ticket with the flight number EY 471 for the destination Abu Dhabi the flight number is EY 51 to Geneva.

And then, Ahad (4/4) at 00.20 WIB, Dwi asked to get on a plane and helped by airport officer. Without difficulties she get on to the plane and get a comfortable chair.

"But, after few minutes, a cabin crew asked my wife to evacuate herself if worst case scenario come up," Yonnasfi said.

Yonnasfi continued Dwi answer to the cabin crew that she needed help to evacuate. After get the answer, the crew leave her and return with an airport officer, Abrar and asked if Dwi can walk.

Yonnasfi said at the time Dwi answer she can stand and can walk slowly with something like walking cane. Abrar said to Dwi that according to crew cabin, she cannot continued to fly to Abu Dhabi and Geneva. Dwi at the time not accompanied by assistant or companion so assesed cannot evacuate herself if something happen during the flight.

Dwi then told the head of cabin crew and said that she have many flight experience related to international flight. She also ever go to US and never get the question like what she had when she on board with Etihad Airlines.

Furthermore, cabin crew still reject Dwi. "Then, they asked my wife to got off the plane," Yonnasfi said.

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