Selasa 03 May 2016 18:09 WIB

Attorney General: Fixed date awaited for execution of death convitcs

Red: Julkifli Marbun
HM Prasetyo
Foto: Antara/Puspa Perwitasari
HM Prasetyo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Attorney General HM Prasetyo confirmed that his side had made preparations and was now awaiting a definite date for the execution of death row drug convicts.

"I have repeatedly said that we have coordinated and made preparations. We are now waiting for the fixed date to carry out the execution. I cannot as yet take a decision on it," the attorney general noted here on Tuesday.

The attorney general clarified that his side had never proclaimed that it would halt the execution of death row convicts and cease the war against narcotics trafficking.

"We will continue to carry out executions. Of course, we have to prepare several things as this case concerns cross-sectoral agencies. It does not only involve the prosecutor's office, as the executor, but also other agencies that we need to cooperate with," Prasetyo explained.