Jumat 03 Jun 2016 22:30 WIB

Attorney General: No change in execution plan

HM Prasetyo (left)
Foto: Antara/Puspa Perwitasari
HM Prasetyo (left)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The attorney general's office said the Malaysian court sentencing to death an Indonesian drug courier has no effect on the plan to execute a number of death row drug convicts, the third under the present regime.

The Malaysian district court in Penang has been reported to mete out a death sentence to an Indonesian migrant worker Rita Krisdianti,who was found in possession of 4 kilograms of methamphetamine in 2013.

"It just happens that no Malaysian among those to be executed here," Attorney General M. Prasetyo said here on Friday.

Earlier Prasetyo said execution of drug convicts is expected to be carried out after the Idul Fitri Islamic holy day celebration July 6-7 this year.

"The process of the third death execution would likely after Idul Fitri," Prasetyo said but refused to give the names of those to face the firing squad.

Reports earlier said the convicts include Ozias Sibanda and Fredderikk Luttar from Zimbabwe), Obina Nwajagu and Humprey Ejike from Nigeria (Nigeria), Seck Osmane from South Africa, Zhu Xu Xhiong, Cheng Hong Xin, Gang Chung Yi, Jian Yu Xin from China, A Yam (Indonesia), Jun Hao alias A Heng alias Vass Liem, Freddy Budiman, Suryanto, Agus Hadi,and Pujo Lestari from Indonesia, Zulfikar Ali from Pakistan.

The government of President Jokjo Widodo (Jokowi) already carried out execution of 14 drug death convicts in January and April last year.

The first and second executions of drug convicts were held on the Nusakambangan island off the Cilacap city in southern coast of Central Java.

The protest against death sentence has been strong not only from abroad but also from non governmental organizations in the country.

Last month a Civil Coalition Against Death Sentence expressed their protest with the president against the plan for another wave of execution of death convicts.

The Coalition groups a number of non governmental organizations including Imparsial, Kontras, YLBHI, Elsam, HRWG, LBH Pers, LBH Masyarakat, and PBHI.

Imparsial Director Al Araf said that the government should stop death execution and take more effective step to change death sentence with life sentence.

He said amid "rotten" justice system there is possibility of a mistake in court decision.

"There is no way of correcting execution already carried out," he said.

He said death sentence has not proved effective in deterring crimes.

"After the first and second waves of execution of drug convicts last year there was no letting up in drug case, on the contrary there is a rising trend," he said.

The government, therefore, should evaluate its policy that death execution is not the answer to reduce criminality, he added.

Jokowi, however, despite condemnation from a number of countries , has repeatedly said he would not give clemency to drug convicts , who he blamed for the death of 50 Indonesians every day on drug related causes.

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