Rabu 15 Jun 2016 12:19 WIB

Tabalong to continue oil palm-cattle farming integration program

Foto: Umar Mukhtar

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TANJUNG -- The regency of Tabalong in South Kalimantan is set to continue the program of integrating oil palm plantation with cow farm development.

The main purpose is to increase cow population in that district, head of the Tabalong district animal husbandry and fisheries service Fahrial Fuaddy said.

The project would be developed in the sub-districts of Haruai and Muara Uya, where there have been oil palm plantations.

There are 259 hectares of oil palm plantations in the two areas that they are potential to produce livestock feed from palm oil waste and grass fields.

The local cow breeders and beef cow raising farmers would be involved in the program especially.

The program to integrate business in oil palm plantation and cattle farms would be mutually benefit for the farmers as well as the plantation owners.

The livestock farmers would get free feed or fodders and the plantations would get free fertilizer in manure.

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