Kamis 21 Jul 2016 19:20 WIB

RI considered best in using EM4 technology

Foto: Panca/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR -- Indonesia is considered the best place for applying Effective Micro-Organism4 (EM4) out of the 100 countries that have been implementing such cultivation technology to improve soil fertility and develop organic agriculture.

"Of the 100 countries, Indonesia is among the 54 countries that have been producing EM4 by using micro organisms for plant growth," the Japanese EMRO's (Effective Micro-organisms Research Organization) director, Shintani Masaki, said here on Thursday.

After the opening ceremony of an international meeting for discussing the development and challenges in the implementation of EM4, Masaki said Bali and several regions in Indonesia can be models for other regions across the world.

At least 70 participants from 17 countries are participating in the meeting.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian EM4 pioneer Gede Ngurah Wididana, said the application of EM4 by 100 countries has been rapidly developing organic agriculture in the world.

Gede added that the development of EM4 in Indonesia was initiated in 1990 by studying technology from Japan.

He said the EM4 technology is used to support environmental-friendly agriculture's development covering animal husbandry, fishery, plantation, crops, besides sewage treatment.

EM4 is a mixed culture of beneficial micro-organisms derived from Indonesia's nature, which is beneficial and environmentally friendly for soil fertility, plant growth and production.

It contains fermentation and synthetic micro-organisms consisting of lactate bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria, yeasts and fungi, which break down cellulose to ferment soil organic matter into organic compounds that can be easily absorbed by the roots.

The technology is expected to produce healthy crops without disturbing the natural balance.

EM technology was first discovered by Prof. Teruo Higa of the University of Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, and is now widely applied across the world.

The international meeting on EM4 will be held from July 21 to 23, and will be based on the theme of "Security of Environment and Foods for the Welfare of the International Community."

The participants will come from China, Hong Kong, India, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia.

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