REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Political analyst Pangi Syarwi Chaniago from Voxpol Center said the three parties: Golkar, Nasdem and Hanura would not withdraw their support for Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in his bid for reelection in 2017.
"I think it would be difficult for the three parties to withdraw support for Ahok. The three parties have been tied by President Jokowi (Joko Widodo). The general chairmen of Nasdem, Golkar and Hanura would not dare playing games," Pangi said here on Friday.
He said President Jokowi is close to Ahok as they were once Governor and Vice Governor of Jakarta. "President Jokowi holds the key. He is the elite that could determine whether Ahok would be candidate or not," he said.
The president could guarantee support from the three minority parties for Ahok, he added. The three parties are partners in a coalition supporting the government and their general chairmen are close to the president.
Therefore, candidacy of Ahok would be safe, he said. "It would different, however, if Jokowi decided to turn his back on Ahok. Ahok would then be finished." Pangi said.
He said it is possible that while Jokowi continues to back Ahok, PDIP, the party to which Jokowi belongs, could choose other candidate. PDIP has shifted closer to and joined a coalition called Brotherhood Coalition of parties, which have vowed to kick Ahok from the City Hall.
Meanwhile, political observer from the Jakarta State University (UNJ) Ubedilah Badrun said the coalition of three parties supporting Ahok is vulnerable. "Anytime they could break their political contract with Ahok," Ubedilah said here on Friday.
Among the three parties most likely to walk away is Golkar as not all Golkar cadres are united in giving support for Ahok, he said. "Golkar tends to be more pragmatical. If PDIP decided to name Risma (Tri Rismaharini) as candidate Golkar might consider joining the ruling party and throw its support for Risma," he said.
Risma, the popular Surabaya city mayor, is considered a potential rival for Ahok. Risma, however, has repeatedly indicated reluctance to contest Jakarta gubernatorial election.
He said the possibility is high for Ahok to lose political support for his 'arrogance' and political fluidity and dynamism. The total number of seats of Golkar, Nasdem and Hanura in the City Council is barely enough to support a candidate. Any of the parties decided to walk away, Ahok, despite his wide popularity, would be out of contention or finished as Pangi said.