Rabu 25 Jan 2017 06:51 WIB

Ustaz Tengku questioning the minister of transportation in the case of Sintang airport

Rep: Lintar Satria Zulfikar/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) ustaz Tengku Zulkarnain was forced to not leaving the aircraft in Sintang airport, West Kalimantan, on January 12.
Foto: istimewa
Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) ustaz Tengku Zulkarnain was forced to not leaving the aircraft in Sintang airport, West Kalimantan, on January 12.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) ustaz Tengku Zulkarnain questioned the law enfrocement on the rejection to his arrival in Sintang airports, West Kalimantan on January 12. At that time, there were group of people entered the runway while carrying weapons. The case has not been processed by the Flight Act. 

"The police will be professional in handling case in Sintang with Emergency Law. Meanwhile, Ministry of Transportation did not process the case with the law of 2009 on Flights. Why?" he asked via Twitter on Tuesday (January 24).

In his tweet, ustaz Tengku upload Republika daily newspaper. "Republika newspaper's clippings January 21, 2017. With this, I inquire to the Minister of Transportation, why the case in Sintang did not processed with the law?" he added.

"Does Bapak (Mr.) Minister of Transportation considered bringing sharp weapons to the apron and threatening my life was a small problem?" he continued.

He questioned whether it would not affect the credibility of Indonesian airports. "Please answer," he said. 

Previously, West Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Musyafak asserted the case was handled in a professional manner. "If necessary, relevant parties could file a police report with existing evidences. In this case, the one who aggrieved is Bapak Tengku Zulkarnain, but he already forgive them," Musyafak said while welcoming the representatives of the Alliance of Muslims West Kalimantan United at West Kalimantan Police headquarters on Friday (January 20)

According to Musyafak, when ustaz Tengku arrived in Sintang, one of the demonstrator was seen to carry an airsoft gun. The perpetrator was still being investigated. "We act in accordance with the law. We do not want to be forced or targeted."

Meanwhile, Director General Criminal West Kalimantan Police, Sr. (Pol) Krisnandi said the case was processed by learning the video and photo of the incident. In the other hand, he felt it was not strong enough. Therefore, he obtained records from Youtube. "We've seen the people who unleashed sharp weapons."

To further process the case, Krisnandi said, the police should find the person who record and upload the video to Youtube. So far, the police have questioned eight people. Among others, four staffs of Susilo Sintang airport and four police officers.

Republika.co.id has tried to contact Ministry of Transportation related to this case. However, the Ministry of Transportation was unavailable for comment. 

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